검색어 "Canadian Embassy in Korea"에 대한 검색결과 "총 9건"

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Intense Difference of Its Own Exhibition Celebrates Canada-Korea Amity 2023.06.23

Intense Difference of Its Own Exhibition Celebrates Canada-<font color='red'>Korea</font> Amity

...in Seoul, showcasing works by 20 Canadian and Korean artists with disabili...e through the cooperation of the Canadian Embassy in Korea and the Nationa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.07 > What's On
Intense Difference of Its Own Exhibition Celebrates Canada–Korea Amity 2023.05.24

Intense Difference of Its Own Exhibition Celebrates Canada–<font color='red'>Korea</font> Amity

...s Own Exhibition Celebrates Canada–Korea Amity Intense Difference of Its O...the joint efforts of the KF, the Canadian Embassy in Korea, and the Nation...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > What's On
Canada Wood & Architecture 2014.03.05

Canada Wood & Architecture

.../26 Canada Wood & Architecture The Korea Foundation, Embassy of Canada and...tition that was organized by the Canadian Embassy in Korea, alongside exam...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 07월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
ESL Teachers in Canada Maintain a Connection to Korea 2021.04.19

ESL Teachers <font color='red'>in</font> Canada Maintain a Connection to <font color='red'>Korea</font>

... As such, the Canada Korea Society, in cooperation with the Korean Embassy...ther with representatives of the Canadian government, Parliament, Senate, ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 2월 > Major Activities of KF Overseas Offices VI
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