검색어 "Carlos Jacanamijoy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 17건"

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KF, 《바람의 구멍》 회화전 개최 2021.04.20
...   6.1.( 화 ) 까지 온 · 오프라인으로 개최되는 동 전시는 콜롬비아를 대표하는 세계적인 미술가 까를로스 하까나미호이 (Carlos Jacanamijoy, 1964~) 의 경이로운 대형 추상 회화들을 한국 최초로 만나볼 수 있는 기회이다 . 이번 전시의 제목이자 주요 작품명...
한국국제교류재단 > KF소식 > 보도자료
《바람의 구멍》 회화전 개최 2021.04.26
...ime in Korea the wonderful abstract paintings of world-renowned artist Carlos Jacanamijoy, of the indigenous Inga people of Colombia. The visitors and viewer...
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‘Holes in the Wind' Exhibition 2021.03.23

‘Holes in the Wind' Exhibition

...y in Seoul. Featuring abstract paintings by renowned Colombian painter Carlos Jacanamijoy, the exhibition will explore the nature of the artist's South Ameri...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.04 > KF Activities
[Global Arts] “Holes in the Wind”, Interview with the artist Carlos Jacanamijoy 2021.08.02

[Global Arts] “Holes in the Wind”, Interview with the artist <font color='red'>Carlos</font> <font color='red'>Jacanamijoy</font>

...ime in Korea the wonderful abstract paintings of world-renowned artist Carlos Jacanamijoy, of the indigenous Inga people of Colombia. The exhibition provides...
KF > Arts & Media
[Global Arts] “Holes in the Wind”, Greetings from the artist Carlos Jacanamijoy 2021.07.30

[Global Arts] “Holes in the Wind”, Greetings from the artist <font color='red'>Carlos</font> <font color='red'>Jacanamijoy</font>

...ime in Korea the wonderful abstract paintings of world-renowned artist Carlos Jacanamijoy. Let us hear from the artist, who joined us from his studio in Bogo...
KF > Arts & Media
[Global Arts] “Holes in the Wind” - Sentir, 2018 2021.07.30

[Global Arts]  “Holes in the Wind” - Sentir, 2018

...allery. "Sentir"(Director: Inti Jacanamijoy), a short documentary about th...immersion of the Colombian artist Carlos Jacanamijoy, examines the entire ...
KF > Arts & Media
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