검색어 "Central Asian Culture Week"에 대한 검색결과 "총 69건"

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2022 중앙아시아 문화주간 투게더 페스티벌 예선 결과 발표 2022.10.14
... finals will be held on-site on October 23th, Sunday,  during the 2022 Central Asian Culture Week.   All are welcome to the 2022 Central Asian Culture Week...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 사무국소개 > 공지사항
Spring festival of Central Asian countries begins on March 20 2019.03.18
Spring festival of Central Asian countries begins on March 20 Posted : 2019...I" project aimed at promoting the culture and history of certain countries...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 오늘의 뉴스 > 중앙아시아 5개국
2021 KF세계영화주간, 내년에 다시 만나요! 2021.07.02
...lso included the 2021 ASEAN Cinema Week and the Central Asian Cinema Week,...our audience and introduce Korean culture abroad as a part of the KF's pub...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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2022 Central Asian Culture Week in Seoul 2022.09.25

2022 <font color='red'>Central</font> <font color='red'>Asian</font> <font color='red'>Culture</font> <font color='red'>Week</font> in Seoul

 What's On >  2022 Central Asian Culture Week in Seoul 2022 Central Asian Culture Week in Seoul 2022 Central Asian Culture Week on October at Cheonggy...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.10 > What's On
October 2022 EVENTS 2022.09.25

October 2022 EVENTS

...N-Themed Film Screenings KF ASEAN Culture House 4/23-11/27 La Biennale di ...e, Hanoi, Vietnam 10/21-11/4 2022 Central Asian Culture Week in Seoul Seou...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.10 > What's On
“Nowruz” Exhibition Opened at the KF Gallery 2019.03.22

“Nowruz” Exhibition Opened at the KF Gallery

...eremony of the “Nowruz, Spring of Central Asia” exhibition at the KF Galle... is held in conjunction with the “Central Asian Spring Festival – Nowruz i...
KF > Arts & Media
May-July 2006 2021.04.19

May-July 2006

...ce aspects of Korea's traditional culture • Venue : Indonesia, Malaysia, B...rean Performance Troupe's Tour of Central & South America | July 26-Aug. 4...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 5월 > Internet World
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