검색어 "Character Industry"에 대한 검색결과 "총 83건"

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[Korean Contents] How the Character Industry is Leading Hallyu's Next-generation 2022.12.23

[Korean Contents] How the <font color='red'>Character</font> <font color='red'>Industry</font> is Leading Hallyu's Next-generation

 Features >  How the Character Industry is Leading Hallyu's Next-generation...ent of Korea Character Licensing Industry Academy SocietyProfessor of Sejo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > Features
[Infographic] Export of Korean Content in First Half of 2020 2021.10.24

[Infographic] Export of Korean Content in First Half of 2020

...ation, and the content solutions industry, whereas it dropped in publishin...dcasting, advertisement, and the character industry. Compared to the secon...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.11 > KF Features
Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Korea Leads Global Webtoon Market, Shows Strength in Comics, Animation 2018.07.21

Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Korea Leads Global Webtoon Market, Shows Strength in Comics, Animation

...evelation.   Also offering bright prospects for Korean content is the character licensing industry, which is closely tied to comic characters. In most cases, the succes...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 8월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Unmasking Personas 2020.10.15

Unmasking Personas

...layers often create an alternate character as a backup answer to the loss ...egic advantage. Recently, the TV industry has retooled this concept for a ...
KF > Arts & Media
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