검색어 "Choir"에 대한 검색결과 "총 83건"

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[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 2 Little Companion Art Troupe Choir Concert with World Vision Korea Children's Choir 2015.01.27
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 2 Little Companion Art Troupe Choir Concert with World Vision Korea Children's Choir The Korea Foundation invites y...
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[Notice of Cancellation] KF Gallery Open Stage 1: Concert by Costa Rican Choir El Café Chorale 2020.02.11
... KF Gallery Open Stage. KF Gallery Open Stage 1: Concert by Costa Rican Choir El Café Chorale, scheduled for February 21, 2020, has been canceled du...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The Korea Foundation 24th Anniversary Winter Concert 2015.11.24
...Arts Center - IBK Chamber Hall • Program: World Vision Korea Children's Choir/Yokohama Boys and Girls Choir                 Kim Jung-mi (Mezzo soprano)/Lee Yeon-seong (Bass) If y...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage3 Cantemus Children's Choir 2017.03.31
...on invites you to attend the KF Gallery Open Stage3 Cantemus Children's Choir. [Concert] •Date/Time: April 14. 2017(Friday) 7:00 p.m. •Venue: KF Gal...
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Russian Audiences Praise the Vocal Artistry of Korea's Choir Group 2021.04.19

Russian Audiences Praise the Vocal Artistry of Korea's <font color='red'>Choir</font> Group

Russia is home of the “Don Cossack Choir,” a legendary group among male ch...mances of ‘I Maestri,' an all-male choir from Korea. When I arrived in Vla...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 9월 > ‘ Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts'
Korea-Japan Youth Choir Concert in Japan 2015.11.04

Korea-Japan Youth <font color='red'>Choir</font> Concert in Japan

...ation, co-hosted Korea-Japan youth choir concert performances in Japan to ...chool Choir, the Ebina High School Choir and the Tama High School Choir fo...
KF > Arts & Media
Human Rights, a New Perspective for Female Defectors 2018.07.13

Human Rights, a New Perspective for Female Defectors

...th South Korean women through various activities including seminars and choir performances. Yeoullim, a choir consisting of North and South Korean women, practices semimonthly at t...
KF > Arts & Media
2015 KF Gallery Open Stage 1 & 2 2015.02.10

2015 KF Gallery Open Stage 1 & 2

...ed the Little Companion Art Troupe Choir of Shanghai, China. The events en...tage 2 Little Companion Art Troupe Choir Concert and World Vision Korea Ch...
KF > Arts & Media
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