검색어 "Disney"에 대한 검색결과 "총 54건"

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[Korean Contents] How the Character Industry is Leading Hallyu's Next-generation 2022.12.23

[Korean Contents] How the Character Industry is Leading Hallyu's Next-generation

...g University Even though the Walt Disney Company succeeds in distributing ...ir grand fictional universe. Walt Disney World has even opened a Star Wars...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > Features
Illustrator Wooh Na Young, Dressing Western Fairytale Characters in Hanbok 2020.03.25

Illustrator Wooh Na Young, Dressing Western Fairytale Characters in Hanbok

...rked with overseas companies like Disney and Netflix. As she gains a growi...laborations with enterprises like Disney and Netflix. What do you think it...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 04. > people
[Korean Content] Two-part Releases: A Strategy for Survival Among Fierce Competition 2023.02.21

[Korean Content] Two-part Releases: A Strategy for Survival Among Fierce Competition

...e effects are found in Big Bet on Disney+ and TVING's Island. Big Bet was ...popular original Korean dramas on Disney+, but its flow was abruptly inter...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > Features
K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps” 2022.01.19

K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps”

...ady being merged and fused into online video platforms like Netflix or Disney+. And despite the immense power of Billboard and Spotify, platforms th...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.02 > KF Features
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