검색어 "Do Ho Suh"에 대한 검색결과 "총 63건"

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호주현대미술관에서 서도호 작가 전시 호주 최초 개최 2022.11.01
...me)》의 드로잉 시리즈와 사진도 함께 전시되어 작가의 작품 세계를 보다 깊이 있게 전달할 예정이다. 서도호, 계단(2010) ⓒ Do Ho Suh, photograph: Antoine van Kaam 전시와 관련하여 진행되는 대담 및 공연 프로그램도 올 11월부터 내년...
한국국제교류재단 > KF소식 > 보도자료
National Museum of Asian Art Dedication Ceremony for Do Ho Suh's Public Figures 2024.08.12
National Museum of Asian Art Dedication Ceremony for Do Ho Suh’s Public Figures 18:00-19:30, Wednesday, May 22 West Building Plaza Dedication Ce...
KF > President > Speeches
[20240522/축사/영문] NMAA 서도호 전시 기념식 2024.08.02
National Museum of Asian Art Dedication Ceremony for Do Ho Suh’s Public Figures 18:00-19:30, Wednesday, May 22 West Building Plaza Dedication Ce...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
Welcome Remarks 2024 Korean Art Workshop for Overseas Curators 2024.09.09
...Museum of Art hosted exhibitions for contemporary Korean artists such as Do Ho Suh(서도호), Haegue Yang(양혜규), Park Dae Sung (박대성), Lee Bul (이불). Many othe...
KF > President > Speeches
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Suh Do Ho exhibition featured at Museum of Contemporary Arts Australia 2022.10.23

<font color='red'>Suh</font> <font color='red'>Do</font> <font color='red'>Ho</font> exhibition featured at Museum of Contemporary Arts Australia

 What's On >  Suh Do Ho exhibition featured at Museum of Contemporary Arts Australia Suh Do Ho exhibition featured at Museum of Contemporary Arts Aust...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.11 > What's On
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco to Hold Korean Portraiture Exhibition 2021.07.22

Asian Art Museum of San Francisco to Hold Korean Portraiture Exhibition

...tional portraits by four contemporary painters, including Yun Suknam and Suh Do Ho, offering diverse perspectives on the time-honored genre of painting....
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Activities
December 2022 EVENTS 2022.11.23

December 2022 EVENTS

...Practice 2022 Heritage Space, Hanoi, Vietnam 11/3-2023 3/24 Exhibition – Do Ho Suh Museum of Contemporary Art Australia 12/4-12/6 Korea-Taiwan Think Th...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.12 > What's On
November 2022 EVENTS 2022.10.23

November 2022 EVENTS

... Week New Hampshire and Massachusetts U.S.A. 11/3-2023 3/24 Exhibition – Do Ho Suh Museum of Contemporary Art Australia 11/9-11/13 12th Seoul Barrier F...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.11 > What's On
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