검색어 "Doplomatic Relations"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2건"

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The 12th Korean-German Forum _ 130th anniversary of the Establishment of Korea-Germany doplomatic relations 2013.12.24

The 12th Korean-German Forum _ 130th anniversary of the Establishment of Korea-Germany <font color='red'>doplomatic</font> <font color='red'>relations</font>

...ons and discussions on bilateral relations between Korea and Germany. Topi... the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany. The ...
KF > Global Networking
Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Meaningful Encounter "Korea, Poland to Mark 30th Anniversary of Ties" 2018.11.24

Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Meaningful Encounter "Korea, Poland to Mark 30th Anniversary of Ties"

...e 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Korea next year. In commem... Cultural Center in Warsaw #Korea #Poland #Doplomatic_Relations#Anniversary
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
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