검색어 "Education "에 대한 검색결과 "총 1488건"

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Korea - Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat General management of Resident Fellowship program, Energy cooperation, Transportation & Logistics(Maritime and Fisheries, Spatial Data Infrastructure), Education +82-2-2151-6541
Korea - Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat Education & Culture, Korea-Central Asia Policy Roundtable +82-2-2151-6521
KF ASEAN Culture House Secretariat ASEAN education programs +82-51-775-2035
  • 게시판
  • (총 230건)
[Invitation] California State Senator Gloria Romero, Chair of the Education Committee of the California State Assembly, USA 2010.10.20
...ator Gloria Romero, Chair of the Education Committee of the California Sta...ia State Senate. As Chair of the Education Committee as well as Chair of t...
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[국제기구] 오스트리아 잘츠부르크 글로벌 세미나 박소희 2개월차 2023.06.21
... 보고서 해당기간 2개월차 내용 1. 업무 이번 달부터 많은 프로그램이 진행되며 프로그램 인턴의 업무도 활발해졌습니다. 저는 Education 프로그램인 Transforming Education Co-Action Summit과 Education Policymakers Network를 담당하며 Education 팀원으...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Invitation] Prof. Nikolay D. Nikandrov, President of the Russian Academy of Education 2009.05.20
...sident of the Russian Academy of Education will visit Korea from May 25 to...undation. The Russian Academy of Education (RAE) is a leader in the study ...
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[Invitation] Dr. Glenn F. Cartwright, Principal and Vice Chancellor of Renison University College, University of Waterloo in Canada 2010.04.30
...s the world largest co-operative education program. Renison University Col... committed to providing advanced education in the Humanities and Social Sc...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 1035건)
Korean Language Education for Specific Purposes 2021.04.19

Korean Language <font color='red'>Education</font> for Specific Purposes

... Association for Korean Language Education (IAKLE) held its 18th conferenc...s issues and challenges of Korean language education for specific purposes.
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 9월 > KF Forum
Korean Language Education in Europe 2021.04.19

Korean Language <font color='red'>Education</font> in Europe

... Association for Korean Language Education in Europe (EAKLE) at the Çolakl...orea Foundation. Korean Language Education in Europe At the first discussi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office
Challenges and Contexts for the Modern Research University 2021.04.19

Challenges and Contexts for the Modern Research University

...efforts to reform its own higher education system, Robert J. Zimmer, Presi...udents specific skills vs. basic education, promoting education-research i...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 9월 > Activities Calendar
U.S National Strategy and Foreign Language Education 2021.04.19

U.S National Strategy and Foreign Language <font color='red'>Education</font>

...iverse array of foreign language education programs are being implemented ... students through the systematic education of foreign languages and cultur...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office

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