검색어 "Epic"에 대한 검색결과 "총 61건"

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[영화초청] KF 세계영화주간 9월 상영 2018.08.22
...들이 폴리네시아로 항해한 것을 증명하기 위해 오직 바람과 해류에만 의존한 뗏목여행을 떠난다.The film follows the epic 4,300-mile journey across the Pacific, led by legendary Norwegian explo...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[영화초청] KF 세계영화주간 8월 상영 2018.07.16
...들이 폴리네시아로 항해한 것을 증명하기 위해 오직 바람과 해류에만 의존한 뗏목여행을 떠난다.The film follows the epic 4,300-mile journey across the Pacific, led by legendary Norwegian explo...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[도서관] 미국 하와이대 한국학센터도서관 홍승현 5개월차 2022.12.04
...니다. 국민회 100주년 기념 영상, KBS 다큐멘터리 '하와이의 혼 우리는 대한민족이요', The Korean American Epic Kook Min Hur of Hawaii 등의 영상자료와 소재불명이던 Roberta Chang 사진 컬렉션의 데이터파일을 찾을 ...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
“Korean History: Fresh Perspectives” DVD Series 2009.08.18
...language DVD series of the highly regarded “Yeoksa Special” (역사스페셜), an epic TV documentary series about Korea's unique history, which had been prod...
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2017 Korea Festival in Africa: 카메룬-앙골라 한국전통타악공연 개최 2017.11.09

2017 Korea Festival in Africa: 카메룬-앙골라 한국전통타악공연 개최

... Younde, Cameroon)에서 시작하여, 10월17일(화)에는 앙골라 루안다 에픽사나호텔 앙골라홀(Angola Hall, Epic Sana Hotel, Luanda, Angola)을 끝으로 막을 내렸습니다. “Pound It, Korea!” 공연은 한국의 전...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[Interview] Master Kim Kyeongah Promotes ‘Pansori' Narrative in France 2023.05.24

[Interview] Master Kim Kyeongah Promotes ‘Pansori' Narrative in France

... France 1. Please briefly introduce yourself. I began to study pansori (epic storytelling through song) at the age of sixteen at Seoul National Arts...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > People
[Interview] Composer Lim June-hee Fuses Traditional Korean and Western Music 2022.11.23

[Interview] Composer Lim June-hee Fuses Traditional Korean and Western Music

...raditional music) orchestra, I was strongly motivated after reading the epic novel Honbul by Choi Myung-hee to express the life and spirit of Korean...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.12 > People
[Bridging the World] Korea-US Amity Celebrated at ‘Korean Night in Hawaii' 2023.05.24

[Bridging the World] Korea-US Amity Celebrated at ‘Korean Night in Hawaii'

...inawi, an improvised musical ensemble for shamanistic rituals; pansori, epic story telling through song; buchaechum, a fan dance; and nongak, or “fa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > Features
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