검색어 "Experts "에 대한 검색결과 "총 625건"

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Fellowships Department Korean Language and Culture Learning Program for Diplomats, Distribution of Knowledge & Information on Korea, Strengthening Korean Experts Networks +82-64-804-1132
Fellowships Department Fellowship for Field Research, Korea Corner, Distribution of Knowledge & Information on Korea, Strengthening Korean Experts Networks +82-64-804-1169
  • 게시판
  • (총 43건)
The 4th Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship 2016.02.11
The 4th Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship Overview The Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship (JKoEF) is a special program, provided ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[FRIDE] 한미희 1개월차 2015.11.16
...tions. - Build a wider network of experts, practitioners and policy-makers...munities. - Expand the network of experts and institutions from European c...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
Open Invitation to a Visiting International Professor of the Institute for Unification Education 2014.11.24
...prominent professors, scholars or experts from all over the world who deli...twork among renowned scholars and experts that will provide the basis for ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2015 Policy-Oriented Research Program 2015.05.26
...am for the next generation policy experts of South Korea and East Asia (Pr...am for the next generation policy experts of South Korea and East Asia   •...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 479건)
[Review] 2017 Europe Next-Generation Policy Experts Network: Study Tour in Korea 2017.03.29

[Review] 2017 Europe Next-Generation Policy <font color='red'>Experts</font> Network: Study Tour in Korea

...017 Europe Next-Generation Policy Experts Network: Study Tour in Korea [Re...017 Europe Next-Generation Policy Experts Network: Study Tour in Korea Fro...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 4월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
2017 Next-Generation Policy Experts Network 2017.01.24

2017 Next-Generation Policy <font color='red'>Experts</font> Network

NEWSLETTERS KF Activities 2017 Next-Generation Policy Experts Network ▲2016 Next-Generation Policy Experts Network Alumni Dialogue ▲2016 Next-Generati...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
[Special contribution article 2] Voices of KF Next Generation Policy Experts' Network Participants 2021.07.22

[Special contribution article 2] Voices of KF Next Generation Policy <font color='red'>Experts</font>' Network Participants

...ices of KF Next Generation Policy Experts' Network Participants [Special c...ices of KF Next Generation Policy Experts' Network Participants An encount...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Features
[KF Mailbox] The Positive Role of Local Korean Studies Experts Overseas 2021.11.23

[KF Mailbox] The Positive Role of Local Korean Studies <font color='red'>Experts</font> Overseas

 People > [KF Mailbox] The Positive Role of Local Korean Studies Experts Overseas [KF Mailbox]The Positive Role of Local Korean Studies Experts Overse...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.12 > People
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