검색어 "Family "에 대한 검색결과 "총 1008건"

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[ACH] 'Philippine Film Festival' 2019.09.10
...It examines what it means to be a family and what it means to be a strange...omes are struggling to keep their family intact during the dark times of M...
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[도서관] 미국 하와이대 한국학센터도서관 정민영 4개월차 2017.11.06
...rutu에 대한 발표와 실습사진입니다. 2. 한국학센터 기록관리업무 아카이빙 10월 한달 간은 George M. McCune의 Family letter 박스들을 정리하였습니다. 특히 Family letter박스를 정리 할 때는 McCune가의 가계도를 파악하는 것이 우선이었습니다. 편지의 양이 방대하여 한달 내내 기록물...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[영화초청] KF 세계영화주간 3월 상영 2019.02.22
.... 동시에 이 영화는 두 감성적인 사춘기 소녀들이 성장통을 겪는 이야기로, 삶에서 각자의 길을 찾아가는 과정을 보여준다. 'A Family Quartet' follows this girl Noa's musical family for two years and highlights the unique relationships that arise from ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[아세안문화원] [필리핀영화제: 한-필 수교 70주년 및 필리핀영화 100주년 기념] 개최 2019.09.10
...It examines what it means to be a family and what it means to be a strange...omes are struggling to keep their family intact during the dark times of M...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 562건)
‘Bachelor Mom' and His Kids Build a Future Together 2017.01.10

‘Bachelor Mom' and His Kids Build a Future Together

...WO KOREAS ‘Bachelor Mom' and His Kids Build a Future Together “Gajok” (Family) is a group home that serves as alternative family for 10 teenage North Koreandefectors now living in Seoul without paren...
KF > Arts & Media
Bong Joon-ho: Concept of Space 2020.06.30

Bong Joon-ho: Concept of Space

... marrying into an organized crime family. The formula ensured box office s...agline, “What happens when a poor family works in a rich family's house?” ...
KF > Arts & Media
Traditional Korean Kitchens: A Metaphor for Women's Lives 2017.10.17

Traditional Korean Kitchens: A Metaphor for Women's Lives

...lla Province, Park's wife and the family's eldest daughter-in-law, Kang Je... daily lives of the women of this family prompt us to think again about th...
KF > Arts & Media
Preserving the Taste of Slowness 2020.03.22

Preserving the Taste of Slowness

...treasured in every household. One family in particular has preserved its s...xpect of the mistress of the head family of a clan, and her words had a pl...
KF > Arts & Media

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