검색어 "Fourth Public Diplomacy Week"에 대한 검색결과 "총 11건"

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Fourth Public Diplomacy Week to Be Held in October 2021.09.16

<font color='red'>Fourth</font> <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font> to Be Held in October

 KF Activities > Fourth Public Diplomacy Week to Be Held in October Fourth Public Diplomacy Week to Be Held in October From October 28 to 31, the KF w...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.10 > KF Activities
Fourth Public Diplomacy Week Held On- and Offline 2021.11.23

<font color='red'>Fourth</font> <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font> Held On- and Offline

   KF Activities > Fourth Public Diplomacy Week Held On- and Offline Fourth Public Diplomacy Week Held On- and Offline Opening address by KF President...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.12 > KF Activities
4th Public Diplomacy Week: Exploring the Future through Public Diplomacy 2021.11.17

4th <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font>:  Exploring the Future through <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font>

...ea Foundation (KF) hosted the 4th Public Diplomacy Week (PD Week) as an on...ublic diplomacy activities. The PD Week's fourth edition presented about 8...
KF > Public Participation
The 2nd Public Diplomacy Week 2019.11.13

The 2nd <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font>

...the Korea Foundation held the 2nd Public Diplomacy Week (PDW) at Dongdaemu...ession II, “The Future of Public Diplomacy in the Age of the fourth Indust...
KF > Public Participation
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