검색어 "Gabon"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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[Special contribution article 2] Cultural Diplomacy and the Role of Overseas Diplomatic Missions 2021.03.23

[Special contribution article 2] Cultural Diplomacy and the Role of Overseas Diplomatic Missions

...Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Gabon Cultural diplomacy refers to a wi...ginally scheduled to take place in Gabon in 2020, were unfortunately cance...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.04 > KF Features
Last For One and DoDo Present Soul Beat Performance in Gabon and Angola 2013.12.24

Last For One and DoDo Present Soul Beat Performance in <font color='red'>Gabon</font> and Angola

Commemorative tour event to mark the anniversary of Korea's establishment of diplomatic relations with Gabon and Angola.
KF > Arts & Media
October 2012-KF Activities 2014.02.27

October 2012-KF Activities

...n of the 50th anniversary of Korea-Gabon diplomatic relations and the 20th...nch Cultural Center in Libreville, Gabon; Cine Tropical in Luanda, Angola ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 10월 뉴스레터 > news
KF Hosts Visit of 11 Distinguished Guests from Africa and the Middle East 2022.04.25

KF Hosts Visit of 11 Distinguished Guests from  Africa and the Middle East

...Korea from nine African and Middle Eastern countries, including Angola, Gabon, Jordan, Kenya, and Nigeria. The invited guests included Alia Mohamad ...
KF > Global Networking
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