검색어 "Gallery "에 대한 검색결과 "총 1744건"

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검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
KF Global Center KF Global Arts (interactive digital exhibition), KF XR Gallery +82-2-2151-6530
KF Global Center KF Gallery +82-2-2151-6520
KF Global Center KF Global Arts-Exhibition, online & offline programs management, KF Gallery +82-2-2151-6576
  • 게시판
  • (총 376건)
[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Gallery Open Stage 3 Hungary Cantemus Children's Choir Concert 2017.04.07
...your interest in attending the KF Gallery Open Stage 3 Hungary Cantemus Ch...cert that is being held at the KF Gallery on April. 14, 2017 at 7 p.m. We ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[박물관] 미국 보스턴미술관 정주원 8개월차 2020.11.04
...Art and Culture in Korea)을 Korean gallery에서 강의할 수 있는 귀중한 경험을 가졌습니다. 고대 한국불...의 든든한 성원에 힘입어 Yale University Art Gallery, Peabody Essex Museum, Metropoli...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 3 Ensemble Bartok Chile International Tour 2015 2015.05.11
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 3 Ensemble Bartok Chile International To...ndation invites you to attend “KF Gallery Open Stage 3.” [KF Gallery Open ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 4 Harmony of the Harvard Krokodiloes 2015.06.10
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 4 Harmony of the Harvard Krokodiloes The...ion invites you to attend the “KF Gallery Open Stage 4” performance KF Gal...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 1094건)
After 100 Years of Waiting, The Korea Foundation Gallery Opens at the Cleveland Museum of Art 2014.02.14

After 100 Years of Waiting, The Korea Foundation <font color='red'>Gallery</font> Opens at the Cleveland Museum of Art

...s of Waiting The Korea Foundation Gallery Opens at the Cleveland Museum of...e Korean gallery and the Japanese gallery, which stretch out on either sid...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 08월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
New Korean Art Gallery Opens in Honolulu 2021.04.19

New Korean Art <font color='red'>Gallery</font> Opens in Honolulu

... of ceramics. Reopened Korean Art Gallery at the Honolulu Academy of Arts.... gallery. The organization of the gallery was determined largely by the st...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2001년 8월 > Korean Studies Abroad
‘Arts of Korea Gallery'Opens in Texas 2021.04.19

‘Arts of Korea <font color='red'>Gallery</font>'Opens in Texas

...the opening of the “Arts of Korea Gallery,” the museum is placing new emph...oul. As such, the opening of this gallery is only the beginning of bringin...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 1월 > President's Message for the New Year
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities' New East Asian Project 2014.02.27

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities' New East Asian Project

...ockholm opened a permanent Korean Gallery on February 11, after two years ...be entered via either the Chinese Gallery or the Japanese Gallery, because...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 4월 뉴스레터 > culture

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