검색어 "Generation MZ"에 대한 검색결과 "총 21건"

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[Korea Now] Traditional Korean Alcohol Becomes Hip with the MZ Crowd 2023.02.21

[Korea Now] Traditional Korean Alcohol Becomes Hip with the <font color='red'>MZ</font> Crowd

...Korean Alcohol Becomes Hip with the MZ Crowd Traditional Korean Alcohol Be...ic drinks are booming among Korea's MZ Generation, comprising millennials ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > Features
[Korea Now] From ‘God Life' to ‘Getting a Life' 2023.09.20

[Korea Now] From ‘God Life' to ‘Getting a Life'

...Getting a Life' From ‘God Life' to ‘Getting a Life' Until recently, “Generation MZ,” comprising millennials and Generation Z, were swept up in the godsaeng...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.10 > Features
[Korea Now] Reselling Takes Root as New Form of Consumption 2023.11.23

[Korea Now] Reselling Takes Root as New Form of Consumption

...eems to have taken solid root as a form of consumption among Korea's Generation MZ, a term that encompasses millennials and Generation Z. Here, reselling r...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > Features
[Korean Content] Korean Indie Brands Lead K-Beauty Exports 2024.03.21

[Korean Content] Korean Indie Brands Lead K-Beauty Exports

... beauty products and makeup techniques, especially among members of the “MZ generation” (millennials and Gen Z). Influenced by social media, consumers arou...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.04 > Features
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