검색어 "Girl Groups"에 대한 검색결과 "총 58건"

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[Korean Content] K-pop Girl Groups Begin a New Era of K-pop Music 2023.05.24

[Korean Content] K-pop <font color='red'>Girl</font> <font color='red'>Groups</font> Begin a New Era of K-pop Music

 What's On >  K-pop Girl Groups Begin a New Era of K-pop Music K-pop Girl G... of girl groups. Previously, girl groups often failed to make profits, eve...
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[Korean Content] What K-Pop Lyrics Express: Four Recent Trends 2023.01.18

[Korean Content] What K-Pop Lyrics Express: Four Recent Trends

... of the second studio album by the girl group BLACKPINK, deliver the stron...wn prejudice against and limits on girl groups.” Conceptual: A key charact...
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A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music 2018.10.08

A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music

...a's leader Hyon Song-wol “the nuke girl” in parody of the famed North Kore... Featuring first-generation K-pop groups, including Sechs Kies and Fin.K.L...
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Release of 2016 Winter Edition of Koreana 2016.11.23

Release of 2016 Winter Edition of Koreana

...ik, a behind-the-scenes look at the extreme demands placed on potential girl groups in Korea, generational preferences for emoticons and chat groups, and ...
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