검색어 "Gothic"에 대한 검색결과 "총 25건"

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The Scent of Apple Blossoms Rises from a Thousand Alleyways 2018.01.12

The Scent of Apple Blossoms Rises from a Thousand Alleyways

...g. Gyesan Cathedral, built in the Gothic style in 1902, is Daegu's first W...n Cathedral. Built in 1902 in the Gothic style, the cathedral was the firs...
KF > Arts & Media
[The World in Korea] Gongseri Catholic Church Imbued with French Missionary's Devotion 2020.10.24

[The World in Korea] Gongseri Catholic Church Imbued with French Missionary's Devotion

...with French Missionary's Devotion Gothic churches are representative of th... South Chungcheong Province, is a Gothic church in Korea. You cannot speak...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.11 > KF Features
ARMY: The First Fandom of its Kind 2019.10.04

ARMY: The First Fandom of its Kind

...r culture and, in particular, the Gothic and horror genres, I was drawn to...medial references to the European Gothic. Q. What is the most striking fea...
KF > Arts & Media
Baroque & Rococo: Interview with Professor Kim Ran-soo 2014.03.05

Baroque & Rococo: Interview with Professor Kim Ran-soo

... architecture before becoming the Gothic style, which is when stonemasonry...its own. The great masterpiece of Gothic architecture is the Notre Dame Ca...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 06월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
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