검색어 "Gowaseo"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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Tea Time & Coffee Break: ACH Exhibition 2022.05.17

Tea Time & Coffee Break: ACH Exhibition

...ts from the graphic design studio Gowaseo and space design team Mujindongs...om sleep.” Wrapping things up are Gowaseo's designs of the historical and ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.05 > KF Activities
Tea Time and Coffee Break 2022.03.11

Tea Time and Coffee Break

...th designs of graphic design team GoWaSeo and spatial design team Mujindon...des with a graphic design work by GoWaSeo(Kim Seo-gyeong, Park Go-eun), wh...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2022년 3월 VOL55 > ACH News
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