검색어 "Gugak "에 대한 검색결과 "총 153건"

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[DIgital Content] Gugak Videos Must Be Repositioned as Hallyu Content 2022.03.20

[DIgital Content] <font color='red'>Gugak</font> Videos Must Be Repositioned as Hallyu Content

Gugak Videos Must Be Repositioned as Hallyu Content Written by Song Hyunmin...the spark that ignited the popular gugak we enjoy today. Gugak had been le...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.04 > KF Features
A Shakespearean's Passion for Korean Music and Dance 2017.10.17

A Shakespearean's Passion for Korean Music and Dance

..., or the cultural distance between gugak (traditional Korean music) and Sh...ted to participate in the National Gugak Center's International Gugak Work...
KF > Arts & Media
National Gugak Center Director-General Lim Jae-won 2020.07.25

National <font color='red'>Gugak</font> Center Director-General Lim Jae-won

People > National Gugak Center Director-General Lim Jae-won ‘We broaden the...n the status of gugak, thoughts of gugak performers, and the direction for...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.08 > people
[Interview] Professor Jocelyn Clark's Love of Gayageum 2021.05.30

[Interview] Professor Jocelyn Clark's Love of Gayageum

...e director-general of the National Gugak Center of Korea asking if I could...ake care of things at the National Gugak Center, so I haven't been able to...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > People
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