검색어 "Gugak fusion band"에 대한 검색결과 "총 23건"

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Music for Global Outreach 2020.10.15

Music for Global Outreach

...ed by the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation. © Yonhap News Agency The fusion gugak band Jambinai plays at Palác Akropolis in Prague in April 2017. In the...
KF > Arts & Media
Events Calendar for November 2015.10.28

Events Calendar for November

...562 / yrjeong@kf.or.kr 11/8-11/11 Fusion Gugak and B-Boy Tour of Central a...Tobago relations, Noreum Machi, a fusion gugak band, and Gorilla Crew, a B...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2015년 한국국제교류재단 11월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
[Interview] Maintaining Dialogue and Exchange through Art Painter HooHoo 2022.05.26

[Interview] Maintaining Dialogue and Exchange through Art Painter HooHoo

... In addition to your artistic and event planning activities, you have a gugak (traditional music) fusion band named Persian Blue. Please tell us about it. While studying cultu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > People
Testimonies on Divergences in Music 2020.10.15

Testimonies on Divergences in Music

...e the same harmony. What is called gugak in the South is minjok eumak in t...nstruments and try their hands at fusion music,” said Cheon Hyeon-sik, cur...
KF > Arts & Media
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