검색어 "Hangeul "에 대한 검색결과 "총 327건"

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[New Publication] Korea Essentials Series Vol. 1 ‘Hangeul' 2010.08.23
Hangeul”, the first volume of the Korea Essentials Series has recently bee... of Hangeul What Was There Before Hangeul? / Invention of Hangeul Who Actu...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[PR] New Documentary Films on Korean Culture 2008.01.04
...e used for ritual ceremonies. 3. “Hangeul, the Dream Alphabet of the World...munity, international interest in Hangeul has been on the increase as well...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
THÔNG BÁO VỀ CUỘC THI “Làm phim UCC: Tình yêu Tiếng Hàn” 2014.10.16
...vị và cảm động về sự kiện “Lễ hội Hangeul-nal lần thứ 5 dành cho sinh viên...hững hình ảnh của sự kiện “Lễ hội Hangeul lần thứ 5 dành cho sinh viên Việ...
한국국제교류재단 > 하노이 > 공지사항
[출판] 문고판 시리즈 Korea Essentials 제1권 한글편 발간 2010.08.23
...표 김형근)과 “코리아 에센셜즈(Korea Essentials)”라는 한국문화 길잡이 시리즈를 공동기획, 그 첫 번째 책으로 [Hangeul: Korea's Unique Alphabet](이하 [Hangeul])을 지난 11일 출간했다. 이 책은 세계 언어학자들로부터 최고의 문자로 평가 받는 한글의 언어학적 우수성과 과학적 원리를 ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 201건)
Hangeul, its Creation and Future as a Design Theme 2017.07.14

<font color='red'>Hangeul</font>, its Creation and Future as a Design Theme

CULTURE & ART FOCUS Hangeul, its Creation and Future as a Design Theme A sp...as the nation gained courage from Hangeul to overcome the ordeals of the p...
KF > Arts & Media
Encouraging Foreigners to Appreciate Hangeul 2021.04.19

Encouraging Foreigners to Appreciate <font color='red'>Hangeul</font>

Hangeul is a source of pride for Korea and its people. Hangeul Day, which i...preciate Hangeul. Appreciation of Hangeul To commemorate Hangeul Day, the ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 11월 > Beijing Office
Noh Sun-ju, Principal of Ecole Coréenne de Dijon, France: “The French think Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, is beautiful, intriguing, and democratic” 2018.09.21

Noh Sun-ju, Principal of Ecole Coréenne de Dijon, France: “The French think <font color='red'>Hangeul</font>, the Korean alphabet, is beautiful, intriguing, and democratic”

... Dijon, France: “The French think Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, is beautif.... Interviewed by Kim Daniel #Korean #Hangeul #Korean Alphabet#France #Dijon
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 10월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Art Fever CEO Joo Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of Hangeul to the world." 2020.09.19

Art Fever CEO Joo Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of <font color='red'>Hangeul</font> to the world."

...o Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of Hangeul to the world." Art Fever CEO Joo...es representing Korea might carry Hangeul art bags when they meet foreign ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.10 > people

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