검색어 "Hangeul Calligraphy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 21건"

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[New Publication] Korea Essentials Series Vol. 1 ‘Hangeul' 2010.08.23
Hangeul”, the first volume of the Korea Essentials Series has recently bee...in Fashion, Dance, and Design / Calligraphy and Typography Inspiration for...
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Calligraphy Artist Park Byoung-chul ‘Calligraphy is sowing the seeds of letters in the field of the mind.' 2019.09.21

<font color='red'>Calligraphy</font> Artist Park Byoung-chul ‘<font color='red'>Calligraphy</font> is sowing the seeds of letters in the field of the mind.'

People > Calligraphy Artist Park Byoung-chul ‘Calligraphy is sowing the see...language and the Korean alphabet, Hangeul, has now extended to Korean lett...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 10월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Art Fever CEO Joo Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of Hangeul to the world." 2020.09.19

Art Fever CEO Joo Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of <font color='red'>Hangeul</font> to the world."

...o Ki-yoon "We bring the beauty of Hangeul to the world." Art Fever CEO Joo... to appeal to consumers abroad. Calligraphy artist Kang Byung-in played a ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.10 > people
[Bridging the World] Calligraphy & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendship 2023.03.24

[Bridging the World] <font color='red'>Calligraphy</font> & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendship

 Features >  Calligraphy & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendsh...hip On October 27 last year, the “Hangeul Calligraphy Contest” was held at...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.04 > Features
[KF Mailbox] From Sophia University, Bulgaria 2023.05.24

[KF Mailbox] From Sophia University, Bulgaria

...Korean majors such as “Korean Traditional Music and it Samulnori” and “Hangeul Calligraphy.” “Korean Traditional Music and Samulnori” happens to be the most p...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > People
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