검색어 "Horsehair crafts"에 대한 검색결과 "총 7건"

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[Interview] Artist Jeong Dahye Discusses Earning Korea's 1st LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize 2023.01.18

[Interview] Artist Jeong Dahye Discusses Earning Korea's 1st LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize

...  I am Jeong Dahye and I work on horsehair crafts based on Joseon dynasty ...r works and traditional horsehair crafts? My works are based on horsehair ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.02 > People
Weaving Fine Bamboo Strands into Hat Brims 2019.10.04

Weaving Fine Bamboo Strands into Hat Brims

...ovince, to be assembled with the horsehair crowns, and the completed hats ...she also hopes to learn the other crafts to make not just the brim but a c...
KF > Arts & Media
K-DESIGN Series Released on YouTube 2022.09.01

K-DESIGN Series Released on YouTube

...e through cuisine, furniture, and crafts. These episodes will be used at K... an exceptional piece woven from horsehair by Jeong Dahye, recipient of th...
KF > Arts & Media
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