검색어 "Hyunsoo Woo"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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Curators' Valuable Visit to Korea for Extending Korean Art 2021.04.19

Curators' Valuable Visit to Korea for Extending Korean Art

...rkshop members' engaged response to the three seminar presentations by Hyunsoo Woo (Philadelphia), Richard Peg (Chicago), and Marsha Haufler (Lawrence, Ka...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 1월 > A Unique Venue for Hosting Cross-cultural Exchange
[Korean Content] “Where have you been hiding?” Fine Art Hallyu from an Economics Perspective 2023.12.22

[Korean Content] “Where have you been hiding?” Fine Art Hallyu from an Economics Perspective

... currently works as a curator for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Hyunsoo Woo as Pappas-Sarbanes Deputy Director for Collections at the Philadelphia ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.01 > Features
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