검색어 "Illustrator"에 대한 검색결과 "총 45건"

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[아리랑TV] S. Korea-ASEAN culture connection: Malaysian 'elephant' illustrator (19.7.26) 2019.08.06
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVds3yDd1X8 링크를 클릭하시면 기사를 보실 수 있습니다. *관련 사업명: <알기 쉬운 말레이시아> *실시 일정 및 장소: 2019.7.25-7.28 / 아세안문화원   *사업내용: 아세안문화원에서 매달 ...
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 언론보도
[아리랑TV] S. Korea-ASEAN culture connection: Malaysian 'elephant' illustrator (19.7.26) ※해당 사이트 내 스크립트 등재 2019.08.06
http://www.arirang.com/News/News_View.asp?nSeq=241474 링크를 클릭하시면 기사를 보실 수 있습니다. *관련 사업명: <알기 쉬운 말레이시아> *실시 일정 및 장소: 2019.7.25-7.28 / 아세안문화원   *사업내용: 아세...
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 언론보도
[아리랑TV] S. Korea-ASEAN culture connection: Malaysian 'elephant' illustrator (19.7.26) ※해당 사이트 내 스크립트 등재 2019.08.06
http://www.arirang.com/News/News_View.asp?nSeq=241474 링크를 클릭하시면 기사를 보실 수 있습니다. *관련 사업명: <알기 쉬운 말레이시아> *실시 일정 및 장소: 2019.7.25-7.28 / 아세안문화원   *사업내용: 아세...
ASEAN > News > In the News
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Illustrator Wooh Na Young, Dressing Western Fairytale Characters in Hanbok 2020.03.25

<font color='red'>Illustrator</font> Wooh Na Young, Dressing Western Fairytale Characters in Hanbok

People > Illustrator Wooh Na Young Dressing Western Fairytale Characters in Hanbok Illustrator Wooh Na YoungDressing Western Fairytale Characters in H...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 04. > people
Faces of Australia: Photographs and Children's Book Illustrations Ann James of Books Illustrated, Melbourne 2014.03.05

Faces of Australia: Photographs and Children's Book Illustrations Ann James of Books Illustrated, Melbourne

...ames, the well-known Australian illustrator who contributed a number of he...tarted working in earnest as an illustrator–a career she chose because of ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 04월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
Illustrator Workshop for the Special Exhibition “Splash ASEAN! ― Water, a Celebration of Life” 2019.07.01

<font color='red'>Illustrator</font> Workshop for the Special Exhibition “Splash ASEAN! ― Water, a Celebration of Life”

ACH News [Summer Vacation Program] Illustrator Workshop for Special Exhibition “Splash ASEAN! ― Water, a Celebration of Life”   Mekong Lights, Grimm H...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 7월 VOL23 > Activity
Faces of Australia Exhibition Photographs and Children's Book Illustrations Opening Ceremony and Illustration Workshop 2013.12.24

Faces of Australia Exhibition Photographs and Children's Book Illustrations Opening Ceremony and Illustration Workshop

...tion of the exhibition works by illustrator Ann James, who visited Korea t...strate the art of illustrating. Illustrator Ann James offered two workshop...
KF > Arts & Media
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