검색어 "Indonesian film screening"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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2023 ASEAN Market on June 3-4 2023.05.24

2023 ASEAN Market on June 3-4

...coffee bar operated by a famous Indonesian barista. It will also hold a tr...a dessert cooking class, and an Indonesian film screening. The dance class...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > What's On
2023 ASEAN Market 2023.05.05

2023 ASEAN Market

...wcase a coffee bar run by a famous Indonesian barista, a traditional Indonesian dance class, an Indonesian film screening, and an Indonesian dessert cooking class. Participant...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 5월 VOL69 > ACH News
Easy Access Indonesia: Unlocking the Infinite Culture, Nature and Venture 2018.06.01

Easy Access Indonesia: Unlocking the Infinite Culture, Nature and Venture

...ganized in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy in Korea. On May 24, H....lled Saman, a cooking class, and a film screening along with free coffee t...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 6월 VOL10 > Review
Third ASEAN Cinema Week 2023.02.21

Third ASEAN Cinema Week

...N Cinema Week will open with an Indonesian film to commemorate the 50th an...different streaming services. Each film screening will be followed by a gu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > What's On
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