검색어 "Infectious Disease"에 대한 검색결과 "총 21건"

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2021 Korea-Central Asia Experts' Webinar on Infectious Disease to Be Held 2021.06.24

2021 Korea-Central Asia Experts' Webinar on         <font color='red'>Infectious</font> <font color='red'>Disease</font> to Be Held

...entral Asia Experts' Webinar on Infectious Disease to Be Held 2021 Korea-C...Disease to Be Held This summer, infectious disease experts from Korea and ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.07 > KF Activities
Dr. Jee Young-mee Appointed as KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy 2020.05.22

Dr. Jee Young-mee Appointed as KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy

...orea's top-quality healthcare and disease control potential as assets for ...e former head of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research of the Nation...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 06. > kf activities
2021 Korea-Central Asia Experts' Webinar on Infectious Diseases 2021.10.01

2021 Korea-Central Asia Experts' Webinar on <font color='red'>Infectious</font> Diseases

...entral Asia Experts' Webinar on Infectious Diseases in collaboration with ...ies' interest in cooperation in infectious disease treatment, and was tail...
KF > Global Networking
[Review] Crisis Management & Public Diplomacy during Coronavirus: Lessons from South Korea 2020.04.23

[Review] Crisis Management & Public Diplomacy during Coronavirus: Lessons from South Korea

...Lee and Dr. Young-mee Jee, former director-general of the Center for Infectious Disease Research of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Korea Centers for ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.05 > kf
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