검색어 "Istanbul"에 대한 검색결과 "총 51건"

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타직, 제7회 "Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" 장관급 회의 참여 2017.12.11
타직, 제7회 "Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" 장관급 회의 참여 2017년 12월 11일nbsp; 지난 ...제르바이잔 바쿠에서는 제7회 "Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" 장관급 회의가 개최됐다. 각 국가 대표 및...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 오늘의 뉴스 > 중앙아시아 5개국
2015 가을학기파견 KF 객원교수 공모 2015.04.03
...8 아제르바이잔 바쿠국립대 Baku State University 한국어 2015.9~2017.8 터키 이스탄불대(어학센터) Istanbul University 한국어 2015.9~2017.8 체코 팔라츠키대 Palacky University in Olomouc 한...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[전문가칼럼] 붉은 하늘의 초승달은 푸른 하늘에도 뜬다 : 터키와 위구르 친족관계의 역사 2018.08.06
...pargu, "Arduous Journey ToHedjaz: Turkestani Pilgrims, The Caliph and Istanbul (16th-20thCenturies)," Ankara Üniversitesi Dil veTarih-Coğrafya Fakül...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 중앙아 최근동향 > 전문가 칼럼
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 37건)
Contemporary Art Exchange Between Korea and Turkey 2021.04.19

Contemporary Art Exchange Between Korea and Turkey

...ludes presentations in Seoul and Istanbul, provides an opportunity to cont...ch are being staged in Seoul and Istanbul. With support from the Korea Fou...
July 16-August 15, 2007 2021.04.19

July 16-August 15, 2007

...lery Nuri) Participation in 10th Istanbul Biennale september 8-november 4,...artists will be exhibited at the Istanbul Biennale. * UOrganizer: Istanbul...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 9월 > Letter from Fellow
[The World in Korea] Turkey in Seoul: The Istanbul Cultural Center 2021.12.20

[The World in Korea] Turkey in Seoul: The <font color='red'>Istanbul</font> Cultural Center

KF Features > [The World in Korea] Turkey in Seoul: The Istanbul Cultural Center [The World in Korea]Turkey in Seoul: The Istanbul Cultural Center Tha...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.01 > KF Features
Introducing the Cultural Richness of Turkey 2021.04.19

Introducing the Cultural Richness of Turkey

...omatic relations, “The Wind from Istanbul” exhibition was presented at the... This event was co-hosted by the Istanbul Cultural Center, Korea-Turkey Fr...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 9월 > Letter from Fellow
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