검색어 "Japan-Korea Junior Forum"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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The 31st Japan-Korea Forum 2023.07.24

The 31st <font color='red'>Japan-Korea</font> <font color='red'>Forum</font>

 What's On >  The 31st Japan-Korea Forum The 31st Japan-Korea Forum From Au...ge between citizens. Alongside the forum, the 9th Japan-Korea Junior Forum...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.08 > What's On
25th Korea-Japan Forum Held in Seoul 2017.09.18

25th Korea-Japan <font color='red'>Forum</font> Held in Seoul

...kibe Makoto, Chairperson of the Japan-Korea Forum and Chancellor of the Pr... Meanwhile, the third Korea-Japan Junior Forum was held, concurrently with...
KF > Global Networking
31st Korea-Japan Forum Held in Seoul 2023.09.20

31st Korea-Japan <font color='red'>Forum</font> Held in Seoul

...and Katori Yoshinori, Chairman, Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation. Meanwhile... In addition, the 9th Korea-Japan Junior Forum, another event associated w...
KF > Global Networking
Building a Future-Oriented Relationship between Korea and Japan 2021.04.19

Building a Future-Oriented Relationship between Korea and Japan

...t meeting in 1993, the Korea-Japan Forum was established to promote friend...side, along with Mogi Yujaburo, Japan-Korea Forum President; Takemi Keizo,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 10월 > Forum Report
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