검색어 "Jeollabuk-do Gugak Center"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[Bridging the World] Korea-US Amity Celebrated at ‘Korean Night in Hawaii' 2023.05.24

[Bridging the World] Korea-US Amity Celebrated at ‘Korean Night in Hawaii'

... in Hawaii” at the Hawaii Theatre Center, jointly hosted by the Korean Con...te-General in Honolulu and the Jeollabuk-do Gugak Center. This event was a...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > Features
[Interview] Professor Jocelyn Clark's Love of Gayageum 2021.05.30

[Interview] Professor Jocelyn Clark's Love of Gayageum

...e director-general of the National Gugak Center of Korea asking if I could...eum performance, played solo), Jeollabuk-do Intangible Cultural Property N...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > People
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