검색어 "Jeonju Hanok Village "에 대한 검색결과 "총 29건"

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2010 Fall Field Trip schedule for Korean Language Training Fellows 2010.10.11
...rovinces by visiting historic places such as Seonunsa buddhist temple, Jeonju Hanok Village and so on. The Field Trip, arranged twice annually by The Kore...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] Mr. Al Zaabi Waleed Rashed, Manager of Heritage and Arts Administration, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development, the United Arab Emirates 2011.10.18
...Center. He is also invited to the Jeonju City Hall to discuss constructive...useum of Korea, Gyeongbok Palace, Jeonju hanok village and other notable s...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Korea-U.S. Youth Network 2010 2010.08.06
...d, through a Seoul city tour, DMZ tour, Taekwondo class and visits to a Hanok village in Jeonju and Hyundai Motors factory in Asan. The “Korea-U.S. Youth N...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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Unforgettable Tour of Korea during Gorgeous Autumn 2021.04.19

Unforgettable Tour of Korea during Gorgeous Autumn

...dscape We then departed Iksan for Jeonju, which is wellknown for its Korea...: bibimbap. After having lunch in Jeonju, we toured Jeonju Hanok Village, ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 11월 > Fellow Essay lll
[The World in Korea] Jeondong Cathedral: Embracing the East and the West 2022.03.20

[The World in Korea] Jeondong Cathedral: Embracing the East and the West

...eondong Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, stands at the entrance of Jeonju Hanok Village in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province. The cathedral is located on ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.04 > KF Features
A Two Thousand-Year Journey in Three Days 2021.04.19

A Two Thousand-Year Journey in Three Days

...la. Our first stop from Seoul was Jeonju, the provincial capital of Jeolla...le stroll. So was the surrounding Jeonju Hanok Village, which earned its n...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 7월 > Moscow Office
Chance to Personally Experience the Culture and People of Korea 2021.04.19

Chance to Personally Experience the Culture and People of Korea

...ore visiting Woosuk University at Jeonju, where we learned something of th...in the new millennium. We visited Jeonju Hanok Village, and at Gwangyang w...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 9월 > KF Forum
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