검색어 "KF Public Diplomacy Week"에 대한 검색결과 "총 94건"

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KF Global Center Public Diplomacy Week, Public Diplomacy Projects +82-2-2151-6561
KF Global Center Public Diplomacy Week, Public Diplomacy Projects, Global Arts +82-2-2151-6542
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KF 국민 참여형 공공외교에 대한 여러분의 의견을 구합니다! 2021.11.01
제4회 공공외교주간THE 4TH PUBLIC DIPLOMACY WEEK KF 국민 참여형 공공외교에 대한 여러분의 의견을 구합니다!Survey on KF Public Diplomacy Activities andthe Public Participation! 한국국제교류재...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
2020 KF 글로벌센터 사업일정 2019.12.31
...ation     2 시각적 동의어 Visual Synonyms KF 세계영화주간 KF Global Film Week 코스타리카 '엘...nor Dr. Enrique Pina 공공외교·글로벌 챌린저 Public Diplomacy·Global Challengers 공공외교...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
2020 Calendar for the KF Global Center 2019.12.31
...ation     2 시각적 동의어 Visual Synonyms KF 세계영화주간 KF Global Film Week 코스타리카 '엘...nor Dr. Enrique Pina 공공외교·글로벌 챌린저 Public Diplomacy·Global Challengers 공공외교...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2021 KF세계영화주간, 내년에 다시 만나요! 2021.07.02
.... 내년에 다시 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.  Adieu' 2021 KF World Cinema Week!The KF would like...ean culture abroad as a part of the KF's public diplomacy activities.Last ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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Fourth Public Diplomacy Week to Be Held in October 2021.09.16

Fourth <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font> to Be Held in October

 KF Activities > Fourth Public Diplomacy Week to Be Held in October Fourth ...KF Global Center 02-2151-6526 dekim@kf.or.kr KF Public Diplomacy Week Dong...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.10 > KF Activities
KFVN Seminar on Public Diplomacy for Worldwide Communication 2018.11.24

KFVN Seminar on <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> for Worldwide Communication

KFVN News > KFVN Seminar on Public Diplomacy for Worldwide Communication KF...Communication Celebrating the first KF-hosted Public Diplomacy Week, the K...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > FKF News
KF공공외교주간 - 아세안컬쳐존 2022.12.27

<font color='red'>KF</font>공공외교주간 - 아세안컬쳐존

...공공외교주간 '지금은, 공공외교시대!'"가 개최되어 아세안문화원은 '한국에서 만나는 아세안'이라는 슬로건을 필두로 참가하였습니다. KF공공외교주간 - 아세안 컬쳐존 / KF Public Diplomacy Week - ASEAN Culture Zone "제1회 공공외교주간 '지금은, 공공외교시대!'"가 ...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_행사
Operating an ACH Booth during KF Public Diplomacy Week 2018.12.01

Operating an ACH Booth during <font color='red'>KF</font> <font color='red'>Public</font> <font color='red'>Diplomacy</font> <font color='red'>Week</font>

...m November 1–3, the ASEAN Culture House operated a booth to inform the public about the cultures of ASEAN member countries during the 1st Public Diplomacy Week, hosted by the Korea Foundation at the Dongdaemun Desig...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 12월 VOL16 > Review
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