검색어 "KF fellowship"에 대한 검색결과 "총 385건"

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2024년 하반기 KF 대학원생 장학지원 및 박사후연구 펠로십 공모 2024.08.13
... 양성하고 있습니다. 2. 한국국제교류재단은 현재「2024-25 KF 대학원생 장학지원 및 박사후연구펠로십(2024-25 KF Sch...ship for Graduate Studies(GS) & KF Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researc...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Korea Foundation Recruiting for 2024-25 KF Scholarship for Graduate Studies and KF Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2024.08.13
.... Since 1994, the Korea Foundation (KF) has been offering scholarships and...provide a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to assist scholars to focus on ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Screening results of KF Fellowships to be announced on Dec. 6 2011.12.01
Thank you for your interest in the KF Fellowship for Field Research and Korean Language Training.  Screening results of 2012 fellowships will be annou...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2024-25 KF 대학원생 장학지원 및 박사후 연구 펠로십 2024.02.27
2024-25 KF 대학원생 장학지원 및 박사후 연구펠로십 2024-25 KF Scholarship for Graduate Studies (GS) & KF Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research (PF) ※ 북미·유럽&mi...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 265건)
[KF Mailbox] Growing through the KF's Korean Language Training Fellowship 2023.12.22

[<font color='red'>KF</font> Mailbox] Growing through the <font color='red'>KF</font>'s Korean Language Training <font color='red'>Fellowship</font>

 People >  Growing through the KF's Korean Language Training Fellowship Growing through the KF's Korean Language Training Fellowship SIP Daro Korean L...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.01 > People
[KF Mailbox] Benefits of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training 2023.02.21

[<font color='red'>KF</font> Mailbox] Benefits of the <font color='red'>KF</font> <font color='red'>Fellowship</font> for Korean Language Training

 People >  Benefits of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training Benefits of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training Khande-Jae Fisher Sta...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > People
[KF Mailbox] The KF Gives Wings to My Dream 2022.02.24

[<font color='red'>KF</font> Mailbox] The <font color='red'>KF</font> Gives Wings to My Dream

[KF Mailbox]The KF Gives Wings to My Dream Santosh Kumar Ranjan My name is ... was selected as a recipient of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Trai...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.03 > People
The KF Fellows 2012 Annual Dinner and Speech Contest 2014.02.27

The <font color='red'>KF</font> Fellows 2012 Annual Dinner and Speech Contest

The KF Fellows Forum on Korean Studies, was held for three times during the...KF Korean language and diplomat Fellowship programs. The KF;s guests from ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 01월 뉴스레터 > people

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