검색어 "KLT"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[KF Mailbox] The KF Gives Wings to My Dream 2022.02.24

[KF Mailbox] The KF Gives Wings to My Dream

...wship for Korean Language Training (KLT), earning the opportunity to study...e year, the language institutes for KLT fellows were unified into the Soga...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.03 > People
[KF Mailbox] Benefits of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training 2023.02.21

[KF Mailbox] Benefits of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training

...lected as a recipient of the KF Fellowship for Korean Language Training (KLT) for 2022, I felt both honored and joyful; I knew that the KF had been ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > People
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