검색어 "Korea Institute for Industrial Economics "에 대한 검색결과 "총 14건"

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Concerted Efforts to Realize a Strategic Partnership 2021.04.19

Concerted Efforts to Realize a Strategic Partnership

... Lee Kyung-tae, President of the Institute for International Trade, Korea ...an, Research Fellow of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Tr...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 7월 > Moscow Office
[Infographic] Korean TV Industry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report 2023.07.24

[Infographic] Korean TV Industry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report

...ustry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report A study by the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET) shows that the Korean televi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.08 > Features
Building Knowledge Base for a ‘Miracle on the Taedong River' 2016.08.22

Building Knowledge Base <font color='red'>for</font> a ‘Miracle on the  Taedong River'

...rs. Their specialties range from economics and military studies to pedagog...ding the closing of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and halting of the Raji...
KF > Arts & Media
First Korea Foundation International Conference on Nation Branding 2021.04.19

First <font color='red'>Korea</font> Foundation International Conference on Nation Branding

...sed on a survey conducted by the Institute for IndustrialPolicy Studies (I...ize its variety of cultural and industrial resources. The conference inclu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 1월 > Moscow Office ll
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