검색어 "Korea specialists"에 대한 검색결과 "총 412건"

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Korea Foundation Recruiting for 2024-25 KF Scholarship for Graduate Studies and KF Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2024.08.13
1. Since 1994, the Korea Foundation (KF) has been offering scholarships and... while promoting the activities of Korea specialists worldwide. 2. The KF ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[신청] 해외 박물관 객원 큐레이터 파견 프로그램 2009.07.20
...s museums to promote effective management of Korean galleries and train Korea specialists.   APPLICATION GUIDE                                               ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Overseas Museums Visiting Curator Program 2009.07.10
...s museums to promote effective management of Korean galleries and train Korea specialists.     APPLICATION GUIDE                                             ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Notice] Korea Foundation conference on nation branding 2009.08.06
The Korea Foundation is holding its 2nd international conference on nation ...n California, and other leading specialists in nation branding from Korea ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 362건)
‘Friends of Korea' Night in Washington D.C. 2021.04.19

‘Friends of <font color='red'>Korea</font>' Night in Washington D.C.

The Korea Foundation Washington D.C. Office hosted a year-end get-together ...s, former Peace Corps members, and Korea specialists from the Washington D...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 1월 > A Unique Venue for Hosting Cross-cultural Exchange
Capitalizing on the Foundation's Global Network 2021.04.19

Capitalizing on the Foundation's Global Network

The Korea Foundation's global network of offices, in Washington, D.C., Los ...es on Korean culture by related specialists. The Beijing Office will also ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 3월 > Book Review
‘ Helping Korea to Shine on the Global Stage in 2010' 2021.04.19

‘ Helping <font color='red'>Korea</font> to Shine on the Global Stage in 2010'

...r activities and programs that the Korea Foundation intends to undertake i...p support is extended to encourage Korea-related specialists abroad to con...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 1월 > A Unique Venue for Hosting Cross-cultural Exchange
Expanding Cooperative Relations through Personal Interaction 2021.04.19

Expanding Cooperative Relations through Personal Interaction

With support from the Korea Foundation, Prince of Songkla University organi...ed by lecture presentations by ten Korea specialists from universities, go...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 8월 > Washington D.C. Office
  • 동영상
  • (총 0건)

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