검색어 "Korean Cultural Heritage"에 대한 검색결과 "총 486건"

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KF XR 갤러리 기획전 < K=XY: 시공의 너머 > 개최 2023.11.24
...ldquo;K-," and the global rise of Korean cultural influence-not merely as ...of Beauty 2023 한국문화재재단 제작, 유상현 감독 Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation pres...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Korea Focus Webzine October 2012 2012.10.04
...mperial Japan′s Brutal Hunting of Korean Girls - Koreans Have Never Pardon...D.C. - Hong Myung-bo Leadership - Korean Cultural Heritage Deserves More R...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[PR] 'Korean Traditional Landscape Architecture' published 2007.12.26
... about one of the most treasured cultural developments over the thousands ... highlight the excellence of this Korean cultural heritage as well as the ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[도서관] 프랑스 콜레주드프랑스 한국학연구소 도서관 김경현 7개월차 2023.01.06
... 작업을 마쳤습니다. 또한 국외소재문화재재단에서 기증한 국외소재문화재재단 출판 도서를 입력했습니다. 이 책들은 Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation의 약자를 이용한 OKCH라는 별개의 분류번호로 관리하고 있습니다. 2) 파리 한국학 사서...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
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  • (총 314건)
INTERVIEW 2023.02.02


INTERVIEW Cultural Heritage in ASEAN Countries We can study the life and cu...(ODA) projects under taken by the Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation. I h...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 2월 VOL66 > Special Feature
Major Foundation Activities In 2009 2021.04.19

Major Foundation Activities In 2009

...us ines s , media, academic, and cultural sectors, the forums serve as an ...rican countries. Publications The“Korean Cultural Heritage”series, a colle...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 2월 > Letter from Fellow
[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Cultural Heritage on Display at the British Museum 2021.08.23

[Meeting <font color='red'>Korean</font> Culture Abroad] <font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Cultural</font> <font color='red'>Heritage</font> on Display at the British Museum

  KF Features  > [Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Cultural Heritage on Display at the British Museum [Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Cult...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.09 > KF Features
Yeoju: Perceiving Invisible Land 2020.03.22

Yeoju: Perceiving Invisible Land

...Land Located in the center of the Korean peninsula, Yeoju is a river city ...sily detected. “My Exploration of Korean Cultural Heritage” was something ...
KF > Arts & Media

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