검색어 "Korean architects"에 대한 검색결과 "총 62건"

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[박물관] 미국 스미스소니언 박물관 최수경 4개월차 2020.07.07
...운 업무 체계에 익숙해지는 것 같습니다. 저는 매주 진행하는 Korean program meeting을 기준으로 주 단위의 업무 계획.... 2007년에는 American Institute of Architects에서 미국의 최고 건축 중 3번째로 뽑혔을 만큼 아름다운 ...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
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Winter Issue of Koreana: Art & Technology 2023.11.23

Winter Issue of Koreana: Art & Technology

...atest trends. It also details how Korean companies use state-of-the-art te...new column which profiles leading Korean architects who might become the n...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > What's On
Canada Wood & Architecture 2014.03.05

Canada Wood & Architecture

...y in Korea, alongside examples of Korean wood craftsmanship. Under the the...dition to a selection of works by Korean architects, including Choi Sam-yo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 07월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
Renovated Korean Art Gallery Opens in Los Angeles 2021.04.19

Renovated <font color='red'>Korean</font> Art Gallery Opens in Los Angeles

...CMA) unveiled its newly renovated Korean gallery area (about 6,700 square ...t, LACMA commissioned One O One Architects, a Korean architectural firm, t...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 11월 > Fellow Essay lll
Notable Trends in Korea's Contemporary Architecture 2021.04.19

Notable Trends in Korea's Contemporary Architecture

...o-jin, Director of Doojin Hwang Architects, enthusiastically described rec...o the world of hanok, traditional Korean-style architecture, a kind of for...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 5월 > Heightened Profile of Korean Studies in China
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