검색어 "Korean art s"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2477건"

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2020-2022 해외박물관 지원 사업 공모 선정결과 2019.12.18
...선정기관의 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다. 2020-2022 해외박물관 지원 사업 공모 선정결과 No. 선정기관 국가 사업명 1 Art Gallery of Ontario Canada Haegue Yang 2 Asia Society Museum U.S.A Korean Contemporary Artists Participation in Asia Society Museum Trien...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Results of the 2020-2022 Support for Overseas Museums 2019.12.18
...nts. 2020-2022 해외박물관 지원 사업 공모 선정결과 No. Recipient Country Project Title 1 Art Gallery of Ontario Canada Haegue Yang 2 Asia Society Museum U.S.A Korean Contemporary Artists Participation in Asia Society Museum Trien...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[20230920/축사/영문] MET 기금큐레이터직 설치 기념식 Reception 2024.08.01
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Reception for Celebrating the Establishment ...dation of Culture Curatorship for Korean Art at the Metropolitan Museum of...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Reception for Celebrating the Establishment of the Korea Foundation Curatorship Funds 2024.08.12
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Reception for Celebrating the Establishment ...dation of Culture Curatorship for Korean Art at the Metropolitan Museum of...
KF > President > Speeches
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 1739건)
Korean Art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Art</font> at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Minnesota's love affair with Asian art began as early as 1878 when the Amer...arle, Pillsbury, and Walker - the Korean and Japanese collections lacked a...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 2월 > New Publications II
Yanagi Muneyoshi's Affection for the Ceramics of Korea 2021.04.19

Yanagi Muneyoshi'<font color='red'>s</font> Affection for the Ceramics of Korea

... known for his deep affection for Korean ceramics. To acknowledge his role...ultural groups, such as museums and art galleries, to attract audiences to...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 5월 > Fellow Essay 2
Making the Creativity of Contemporary Korean Art Known to the World 2021.04.19

Making the Creativity of Contemporary <font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Art</font> Known to the World

...To Be” exhibition of contemporary Korean art is being presented to mark th...e of the President of Ireland, the U.S. Embassy complex, and the State Gue...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 9월 > KF Forum
The Space Between: The Modern in Korean Art—Exhibition at LACMA 2022.08.24

The Space Between: The Modern in <font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Art</font>—Exhibition at LACMA

 What's On >  The Space Between: The Modern in Korean Art—Exhibition at LAC...enth part of Hyundai Motor's Korean Art Scholarship initiative at LACMA an...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.09 > What's On

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