검색어 "LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize"에 대한 검색결과 "총 15건"

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[Interview] Artist Jeong Dahye Discusses Earning Korea's 1st LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize 2023.01.18

[Interview] Artist Jeong Dahye Discusses Earning Korea's 1st <font color='red'>LOEWE</font> <font color='red'>Foundation</font> <font color='red'>Craft</font> <font color='red'>Prize</font>

...ahye Discusses Earning Korea's 1st LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize Artist Jeo...the piece for the LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize, I wanted to present both t...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.02 > People
[인터뷰] 한국 최초 ‘로에베 재단 공예상' 우승한 정다혜 말총공예가 2023.01.18

[인터뷰] 한국 최초 ‘로에베 재단 공예상' 우승한 정다혜 말총공예가

...입체가 되고 빛이 나는' 삶을 투영하고 있습니다. 3. 2022년 6월 공예 분야에서 세계적 권위가 있는 ‘로에베 재단 공예상'(LOEWE Foundation Craft Prize)에 한국 작가 최초로 우승해 큰 화제가 됐습니다. 감회가 남다를 것 같은데 어떤가요? 작업을 한다는 ...
KF뉴스레터 > 2023.02 > People
K-DESIGN Series Released on YouTube 2022.09.01

K-DESIGN Series Released on YouTube

The Korea Foundation has released K-DESIGN, an online cultural public diplo...r by Jeong Dahye, recipient of the Loewe Foundation Craft Prize. The uniqu...
KF > Arts & Media
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