검색어 "Lee Jung-yeop"에 대한 검색결과 "총 4건"

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[Interview] Beyond Quantitative Growth: Future of Korean Gaming 2022.06.22

[Interview] Beyond Quantitative Growth: Future of Korean Gaming

[Interview]Beyond Quantitative Growth: Future of Korean Gaming Lee Jung-yeop Assistant professor at College of Media Labs, Soon Chun Hyang University ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.07 > People
Third Korea-Japan Public Diplomacy Symposium Held in Shizuoka, Japan 2017.10.20

Third Korea-Japan Public Diplomacy Symposium Held in Shizuoka, Japan

...omacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Lee Jong-seok, Senior Research Fellow,...ial Writer, Chosun Ilbo; and Woo Jung-yeop, Research Fellow, Sejong Instit...
KF > Global Networking
2019 International Conference on Korea Unification Held in Seoul 2019.08.02

2019 International Conference on Korea Unification Held in Seoul

...nstitute for Unification Education; Lee Seungjoo, Professor, Chung-Ang Uni...or, University of Seoul; and Woo Jung-Yeop, Director of the Center for Ame...
KF > Global Networking
First Round of 2018 Korea-Japan Public Diplomacy Symposium 2018.06.12

First Round of 2018 Korea-Japan Public Diplomacy Symposium

...marks by Korea Foundation President Lee Sihyung, Sejong Institute Presiden...Shimbun, and Research Fellow Woo Jung-yeop of the Sejong Institute. They e...
KF > Global Networking
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