검색어 "London "에 대한 검색결과 "총 344건"

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2010 Graduate Studies Scholarship Program in Europe 2010.10.07
...sity of Konstanz, Germany 4  Andrew David Jackson  SOAS, University of London, U.K. 5  Marie-Laure Elisabeth Verdier  SOAS, University of London, U.K. 6  Mark Royston Plaice  SOAS, University of London, U.K. 7  Neil...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Recipients for the 2018 Fellowship for Field Research 2017.12.11
...ciate Professor 5 Farrah Nazh Sheikh United Kingdom SOAS University of London University of London Languages and Cultures, Centre of Islamic Studies PhD Candidate 6 Hann...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[V&A] 윤승연_1개월차 2015.10.13
...seum 을 주축으로 Design Junction, Tent London, Mint, 100% Design 등 런던 시내 곳곳에 디자...ign관련 흥미로운 Lecture를 듣기도 했으며, Tent London에서 선보여진 한국스페셜전시에서 작품 5점을 구매키로하여 Ac...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Fellowship] 2008-2009 KF Awardees for the Graduate Studies Fellowship in Europe(Group 2) 2008.07.02
.../ Ph.D Candidate / SOAS, Univ. of London, England2) Mr. Andrew David Jacks.../ Ph.D Candidate / SOAS, Univ. of London, England3) Ms. Sandra Maoiliosa F...
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Sadari Movement Laboratory Performs at London Mime Festival 2021.04.19

Sadari Movement Laboratory Performs at <font color='red'>London</font> Mime Festival

At the London Mime Festival (January 21-27), Sadari Movement Laboratory per...ng with this participation at the London Mime Festival 2008, Sadari Moveme...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 3월 > KF Activities II
KF Internship Report from London, UK 2018.06.26

KF Internship Report from <font color='red'>London</font>, UK

...hives > KF Internship Report from London, UK KF Internship Report from Lon...hip Victoria and Albert Museum in London Sung Dasom #UK #London #Museum #V...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 7월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
Learning from the Experiences of the British Council 2021.04.19

Learning from the Experiences of the British Council

...ggested that I visit not only its London headquarters but also its offices...week (June 16 to 24), and finally London for three weeks (June 24 to July ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 11월 > New Publications
[Interview] Chef Kim Rockhun's Gimbap: Protecting Flavor, Farmers, and the Environment 2021.08.23

[Interview] Chef Kim Rockhun's Gimbap: Protecting Flavor, Farmers, and the Environment

...eling the world, seeing New York, London, Sydney, Madrid, and Tokyo from t...found myself in need of a job. In London, I struggled before finding a pos...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.09 > People
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