검색어 "Los Angeles "에 대한 검색결과 "총 265건"

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검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
해외사무소 3600 wilshire Blvd Ste 2040 Los Angeles, CA 90010 U.S.A 1-213-389-2003
The Korea Foundation Overseas Offices 3600 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2040, Los Angeles, CA 90010, U.S.A. +1-213-389-2003
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[싱크탱크] 미국 랜드연구소 이진우 1개월차 2020.02.11
...www.padmapper.com https://www.westsiderentals.com https://www.zillow.com/los-angeles-ca/rentals https://www.zumper.com/apartments-for-rent/los-angeles-ca ...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[발표] 2011/12학사년도 북미 대학원생 장학지원사업 2011.09.27
...iversity Kahm, Howard Ph.D. candidate (History) University of California Los Angeles Kim, Immanuel Ph.D. candidate (Literature) University of California, ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Announcement] 2011/12 KF Awardees for the Graduate Studies Fellowship in North America (Group 1) 2011.09.27
...iversity Kahm, Howard Ph.D. candidate (History) University of California Los Angeles Kim, Immanuel Ph.D. candidate (Literature) University of California, ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[도서관] 미국 남가주대학교 권수정 10개월차 2022.11.04
... 하였습니다. 함께 일하던 분들이 모인 처음이자 마지막 식사 자리라 뜻깊었습니다. 자리를 마련해주신 Joy 사서님께 감사드립니다 [Los Angeles Public Library 방문] - 다운타운에 위치한 LAPL에 방문하였습니다. 시애틀, 시카고 등 방문했던 도시들의도서관...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 141건)
Modern Form of Pansori Resonates among U.S. Audiences 2021.04.19

Modern Form of Pansori Resonates among U.S. Audiences

...al “Sacheon-ga” work in Chicago and Los Angeles in late September. “Sacheo...the Korean Cultural Center in Los Angeles, who provided the performance ve...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 11월 > Activities Calendar
KF Overseas Offices to Carry Out Colorful Activities in 2011 2021.04.19

KF Overseas Offices to Carry Out Colorful Activities in 2011

...rk of offices, in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Beijing, Hanoi, Berlin, a...Angeles Office Han Jae-ho Director, Los Angeles Office For the Los Angeles...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 3월 > news
Capitalizing on the Foundation's Global Network 2021.04.19

Capitalizing on the Foundation's Global Network

...rk of offices, in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Beijing, Hanoi, Berlin, a..., Director, Washington, D.C. Office Los Angeles Office For the Los Angeles...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 3월 > Book Review
[Interview] Pulitzer Winner's Photos Share Korean Cultural Heritage with the World 2023.08.24

[Interview] Pulitzer Winner's Photos Share Korean Cultural Heritage with the World

...amily emigrated to the United States. My transformative 20 years were in Los Angeles where I graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCL...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.09 > People
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