검색어 "Lyrics"에 대한 검색결과 "총 102건"

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한-카자흐 수교 30주년 기념전《와싹와싹 자라게》 2022.07.01
...1933 by YEON Seong-yong, a firstgeneration Koryo-saram playwright. The lyrics evoke the image of rice ears undulating with the wind and symbolize th...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Commemorative Exhibition for the 30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Kazakhstan "Land of Hope" 2022.07.01
...1933 by YEON Seong-yong, a firstgeneration Koryo-saram playwright. The lyrics evoke the image of rice ears undulating with the wind and symbolize th...
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[Korean Content] What K-Pop Lyrics Express: Four Recent Trends 2023.01.18

[Korean Content] What K-Pop <font color='red'>Lyrics</font> Express: Four Recent Trends

 Features >  What K-Pop Lyrics Express: Four Recent Trends What K-Pop Lyrics Express: Four Recent Trends Park Sehee Reporter Munhwa Ilbo What is K-pop...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.02 > Features
Trot, Ballads and Dance Music 2020.06.30

Trot, Ballads and Dance Music

... composed by Son Mok-in, based on lyrics by Moon Il-seok, winner of a home...as eagerly accepted thanks to its lyrics. Trot songs initially appeared in...
KF > Arts & Media
Authentic Message of Their Own Narrative 2019.10.04

Authentic Message of Their Own Narrative

... music, BTS have adopted in their lyrics the literary sensibilities and so...reality. Continuous Narrative The lyrics are often counted as a crucial fa...
KF > Arts & Media
Pop Music Blooms in the Depths of Despair 2019.04.03

Pop Music Blooms in the Depths of Despair

...rea is well-known, introduced the lyrics and score of the folk song “Arira...nd. In the 1920s, jazz songs with lyrics advocating the pursuit of pleasur...
KF > Arts & Media
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