검색어 "Marry My Husband"에 대한 검색결과 "총 10건"

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[Korea Now] Viewers Charmed by Korea's Dialects 2024.03.21

[Korea Now] Viewers Charmed by Korea's Dialects

...es the Chungcheong dialect, while JTBC's Welcome to Samdal-ri and tvN's Marry My Husband introduce the dialects of Jeju Island and North Gyeongsang Provi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.04 > Features
Life in Korea Created with a No-nonsense Spirit and Effort - Kim Yannie, broadcaster 2020.05.01

Life in Korea Created with a No-nonsense Spirit and Effort - Kim Yannie, broadcaster

...s outside, more than being at home. My husband even tells me that I am a w...e to Korea to work rather than to “marry a Korean man.” Accordingly, I had...
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The Adventures of Barry Welsh in Seoul 2017.04.25

The Adventures of Barry Welsh in Seoul

...e with their daughter's choice of husband. Welsh said, “I said nothing to ...eir decision to let their daughter marry me.Instead, I just asked them to ...
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The Future of Marriage 2017.04.25

The Future of Marriage

... I know a married couple with the husband living in Seoul and thewife in P...th the wife in California and the husband in New York. One of my friends i...
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