검색어 "Meal"에 대한 검색결과 "총 293건"

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[유럽의회] 심소연_3개뭘차 (마지막 후기) 2015.12.08
...싱크탱크도 포함했습니다. 점심이나 저녁식사를 포함한 미팅의 경우에는, 식사를 함께한 Interlocutor가 EUVP지정 양식의 meal form을 작성해서 EUVP측에 보내주면, Interlocutor와 EUVP게스트의 점심비용을 Interlocutor가 환불받을...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
The 4th Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship 2016.02.11
The 4th Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship Overview The Junior Korean Unification Experts Fellowship (JKoEF) is a special program, provided ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2016 Korean Literature Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students 2016.04.06
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2016 Korean Literature Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students The Korea Foundation is conducting a new workshop program for doc...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Theme Field Trip 2018.02.21
KF Theme Field Trip for Foreign Residents in Korea Program The KF Global Center is glad to announce the "KF Theme Field Trip" for foreign residents in...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 162건)
A Meal Shedding Greed 2019.07.05

A <font color='red'>Meal</font> Shedding Greed

...e and Delusion SPECIAL FEATURE 1 A Meal Shedding Greed At Korean Buddhist ...aring it at home. Fundamentally, a meal at a temple is a meal where the in...
KF > Arts & Media
Eating as Communion with All Creation 2019.07.05

Eating as Communion with All Creation

...y (takbal) and the formal monastic meal (baru gongyang). A formal monastic...u gongyang, or the formal monastic meal. Being a collective meal, the food...
KF > Arts & Media
Soul-Soothing Food Evokes Home 2019.07.05

Soul-Soothing Food Evokes Home

...untain hermitage prepared a simple meal for visitors, consisting of side d... I had a chance to be treated to a meal there that soothed my soul. A meal...
KF > Arts & Media
From Instant to Restaurant-Quality Foods 2020.10.15

From Instant to Restaurant-Quality Foods

... obviously elevated the profile of meal kits. A shopper checks out shelves...rowave or pot; ready-to-cook (RTC) meal kits of pre-prepared ingredients t...
KF > Arts & Media
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