검색어 "Moon jar with chrysanthemum design"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[Interview] Kim Youngjun Invites an Appreciation of Mother-of-Pearl's Mystifying Shine 2023.11.23

[Interview] Kim Youngjun Invites an Appreciation of Mother-of-Pearl's Mystifying Shine

...e like, as well as the decorative design skills themselves. As a business,...morable one, I would say it is the moon jar with a chrysanthemum design, w...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > People
Aesthetic Awareness of Women in Old Paintings 2018.12.24

Aesthetic Awareness of Women in Old Paintings

...rom light aquamarine to navy blue, with design details varying according t...eautiful. Celadon Nesting Case Set with Inlaid Chrysanthemum Design. Gorye...
KF > Arts & Media
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