검색어 "Nalanda University"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[KF Mailbox] Letter from the Nalanda University 2022.10.23

[KF Mailbox] Letter from the <font color='red'>Nalanda</font> <font color='red'>University</font>

 People >  Letter from the Nalanda University Letter from the Nalanda University Pankaj N. Mohan Formerly Professor, Nalanda University, Rajgir (Now R...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.11 > People
[KF Mailbox] Letter from the Nalanda University 2017.09.01

[KF Mailbox] Letter from the <font color='red'>Nalanda</font> <font color='red'>University</font>

 People >  Letter from the Nalanda University Letter from the Nalanda University Pankaj N. Mohan Formerly Professor, Nalanda University, Rajgir (Now R...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2017년 9월 VOL1 > Culture
The Korean Enigma 2021.04.19

The Korean Enigma

...nt center of Buddhist learning in Nalanda, U.P., India. Similarly, Korean ...hool of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, and the author of...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 11월 > New Publications
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