검색어 "Nature Index"에 대한 검색결과 "총 16건"

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[도서관] 미국 하와이대 해밀턴도서관 강귀현 5개월차 2017.09.04
...ner Harmony of Arts, Science, and Nature: Korean Architecture http://libra...noa.hawaii.edu/about/exhibits/asia/index.php 1.2.3. LibGuide 관리 - Link che...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
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[Infographic] Korea Ranks 7th in Nature Index 2023.08.24

[Infographic] Korea Ranks 7th in <font color='red'>Nature</font> <font color='red'>Index</font>

 Features >  Korea Ranks 7th in Nature Index Korea Ranks 7th in Nature Index On the 2023 Nature Index for natural sciences, released by the world's le...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.09 > Features
[인포그래픽] 한국, 네이처 ‘자연과학 연구력' 7위 2023.08.24

[인포그래픽] 한국, 네이처 ‘자연과학 연구력' 7위

...연과학 연구력' 7위 세계 최고 권위의 과학 학술지 ‘네이처(Nature)'가 분석한 ‘자연과학 연구력' 순위에서 한국이 전년 대비 ...분야의 비중이 90%에 달했습니다. 매년 네이처가 발간하는 ‘Nature Index'는 주요 자연과학 학술지 82곳에 발표된 논문 공...
KF뉴스레터 > 2023.09 > Features
[Interview] Proponent of Wood Culture in Daily Life: Interview with President Lee Nam-ho of the Korea Association of Wood Culture 2022.07.23

[Interview] Proponent of Wood Culture in Daily Life: Interview with President Lee Nam-ho of the Korea Association of Wood Culture

...cluding measuring the wood culture index required by law; planting indoor ...culture developed in harmony with nature and the living environment. By vi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.08 > People
Kim Soo-ja: A Needle Woman Mending the Hearts of Humanity 2017.01.10

Kim Soo-ja: A Needle Woman Mending the Hearts of Humanity

... represents the void? The thumband index finger on each hand of the artist...ed by humankind — being sewn into nature, breathingin and out, and permeat...
KF > Arts & Media
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